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Sansevieria cylindrica Bojer

Product Description

Sansevieria cylindrica is a most distinct and curious-looking stemless succulent plant that grows fan-shaped, with stiff leaves growing from a basal rosette. It forms in time a colony of solid cylindrical leaves. It is slow growing. The species is interesting in having rounded instead of strap-shaped leaves. It spreads by rhizomes - roots that travel under the soil surface and develop offshoots some distance from the original plant.

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it forms a few leaved distichous rosettes with 3-4 leaves (or more) from underground rhizomes.


Round, leathery, rigid, erect to arching, channeled only at the base, dark-green with thin dark green vertical stripes and horizontal grey-green bands about (0.4)1-1,5(-2) m in height and about 2-2,5(-4) cm thick.

The 2,5-4 cm flowers are tubular, delicate greenish-white tinged with pink and lightly fragrant.

Blooming season

It blooms once a year in Winter to Spring (or summer too). It tends to bloom more readily from a young age than other varieties.

Outdoors: In the garden In mild to tropical climates it prefers semishade or shade and it is not fussy.

Propagation: Sansevieria cylindrica are propagated by cuttings or by divisions taken at any time. Cuttings should be at least 7 cm long and inserted in moist sand. A rhizome will emerge at the cut edge of the leaf.

Use: It makes a choice designer's architectural statement forming a colony of vertical dark green spires. It is popular as an ornamental plant as it is easy to culture and take care of in a home.

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